Talking to your loved ones about life insurance

Jason Piper |
Bringing up the topic of life insurance is often awkward and uncomfortable for all involved. As difficult as the conversation may be, it's an important piece of being prepared for the future, caring for your loved ones, and ensuring any potential final wishes are honored in a respectful way.
Here are a few ways you might talk about life insurance with someone you love.
Choose your time and location wisely. It's best to have the conversation at a time and in a place where everyone is comfortable, calm, and able to focus on the topic at hand.
To bring up the topic, you might start with a personal story of a friend, loved one, or popular figure who recently passed. You may also share that you just read an article from your investment advisor and it made you wonder what plans are for your family or loved ones. 
Focus on the positives, not the "what-ifs." You may want to research some of the benefits of life insurance, such as the ones we've shared on our blog this month. Some benefits are financial security, funding for education or paying off debt, using the pay-out for a large donation to a well-loved non-profit or humanitarian organization, or helping cover medical and funeral expenses.
Whatever concerns or questions arise, treat them with respect and dignity. If you need an experienced voice to help address these, we are here to offer a nonbiased third party voice. We know these conversations are difficult, but important, and we are here to navigate these big life events and decisions with you.


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